Futuristic Predictions for the Fintech Industry by 2050

Futuristic Predictions for the Fintech Industry by 2050

What are the prospects for fintech in the long run? Some of our sources predict interplanetary payments and trillions going into decentralised finance

Vehicles Of The Future – Future Transportation System 2050

Vehicles Of The Future – Future Transportation System 2050
Tech companies from time to time come up with big ideas to depict or at least describe what private and public transportation of the future would be like. Although most of them appear to be a bit too sci-fi and far-fetched to be true, few have been tested and materialized. Here are some vehicles to give us a glimpse into what the next generation will use to get from point A to B.

The AeroMobil is a fascinating vehicle for several reasons; first off, it’s a real flying car. Yes, that can actually fly in real life. In an amazing feat of engineering, the designers of the AeroMobil have managed to combine this functionality with a sleek and eerie beauty that makes this vehicle a true work of art.

Underground Tunnels Transportation
The Boring Company, owned by the same man behind SpaceX, is at the moment working on a subway system for cars underneath the streets of Las Vegas. The basic idea is essentially the same as an underground rail network, but the tunnels are designed for electric cars, not trains.

Gyroscopic Transport
A unique project known as Second-Level Transport developed by Dahir Insaat Company, once again brings forward the idea of alternative mass-transportation system similar to the Transit Elevated Bus, the massive bus that crawls the street like a moving bridge.

In July 2021, XPENG AEROHT officially launched its fifth-generation electric flying car, known as the X2. The two-seater intelligent electric flying car is powered by eight motors and eight propellers. Its fuselage is made of carbon fiber, providing the much-needed structural rigidity required for a flight without being too heavy for vertical take-off.

Airbus Pop.Up
Pop.Up as a concept was presented at the 2017 Geneva auto show. It is part helicopter and part car, and Airbus claims that although further development will rely on technologies that at this point are not mature enough, the basic idea actually is feasible.

Rolls-Royce Vision Next 100
Most Rolls-Royce production cars throughout the history of the company have always pushed the boundary of what a luxury car should be. Now that BMW has given them the chance to build a concept car, the result is a breathtaking combination of future technologies and an old-fashioned lavishness.

Renault Float
The pod-like vehicle looks like a floating bubble, with each bubble seating up to two passengers. Not only is Renault Float a levitating vehicle, it is also modular in the sense that the pods can attach to each other using a magnetic belt without having to stop for the process.

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The World In 2050

A short video of our world in 2050.
The World In 2050 will be totally different.
You will see how our cities will look like.
Robots,flying cars, self-driving cars ,super tall skyscrapers,space exploration and many more will happen in our future.
technology and science are evolving very fast
Enjoy this short science fiction video.

Une petite video sur le future

Please watch: “Kuala Lumpur incredible transformation and its future”

A Look into the Future – Year 2050

The world is advancing at unprecedented rates and by 2050, we can expect to see life on earth change drastically. If this is true, then what can we expect from the future? Lets time travel into world in 2050.

Scientists have already made great leaps in the world of nanotechnology and they remain unrelenting in making more of such progress. Nanotechnology has the potential to change everything, from the way we behave to how we interact with each other.

By 2050, Transportation would have changed immensely. We’re already seeing self-driving cars in their early phases of trial and error, so in three decades, it’s safe to say we should have the technology for true self-driving vehicles.

Space Exploration
One promise that many people are still waiting on is one of space-exploration. Companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin are making strides towards their respective goals of spatial exploration and colonization out of this world.

Artificial Intelligence
Ai is already much more advanced than it was ten years ago, and it will only continue to witness rapid and exponential developments. Experts like John Maeda believe that AI will have surpassed the processing power of all living brains on Earth in the near future. To properly function in that kind of society, it will be necessary to work together with these new systems to make sure that the preservation of important human values is carried forward.

Education is another industry that will see a drastic change in the next thirty years. According to experts, at least 90 percent of the student population will be pursuing online degrees by 2050. Unless the world devolves into an apocalypse, education will continue to be more globalized, and more solutions will come that allow more people to receive good education efficiently.

Day in the Life of Elon Musk: https://youtu.be/JNyrJ-B52ps
11 Most Expensive Materials in History: https://youtu.be/6Cyz3pedPY8
What it’s like Inside Tesla Gigafactory?: https://youtu.be/dl1Q10ulli4
Tesla VS Toyota Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Car: https://youtu.be/a6RhY73s2-I
Inside Apple Headquarters Cupertino: https://youtu.be/ccc-dd-kSrY

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#FutureTechnology #ElonMusk #Year2050

The World in 2050: Future Technology

The World in 2050 Future Technology

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From things in the air, to new things for our bodies, join me as we explore 2050: What Would Be The Future Technology?
We are in the year 2020, and if we’re being honest with ourselves, technology is incredible advanced, and we’re making strides that can push things even farther. We have cars that are much safer than they’ve been in the past decade, and we’re even making fully electric cars that can help save the planet. There are even plans for self-driving cars and even self-driving Ubers that make the future of transportation very exciting. And that’s just ONE technology that we’re growing at a fast rate. What about all the others that are out there? What will technology be like as we get closer and closer to 2050?
Let’s start with one that well and truly could happen very soon, drones. “
Let’s keep going with transportation, shall we? Right now, one of the biggest ways to get around the countries we live in are trains. Trains ferry people and all sorts of cargo around in an efficient and reliable manner, which is why they’ve been in use for hundreds of years. But…if we’re being honest here, while trains are efficient and reliable in certain ways…they aren’t exactly fast. Especially when it comes to passenger and freight trains. They can take a LONG time to get to their destinations and at times it’s more logical to take other modes of transportation.
Which is why companies are making special kinds of trains that can go MUCH faster. You know of the magnetic trains of Japan no doubt, but others like the V. Hyperloop are trying to push things even farther.
“Passengers or cargo are loaded into the hyperloop vehicle and accelerate gradually via electric propulsion through a low-pressure tube. The vehicle floats above the track using magnetic levitation and glides at airline speeds for long distances due to ultra-low aerodynamic drag.”
Science-fiction? Hardly, in fact, the first vehicle of the Hyperloop has already been tested and proven, and some larger tests are being scheduled for the next few years. And if this works, traveling across the country will be MUCH faster. How much faster? The hyperloop aims to send people shooting across the tubes that they make at a rate of about 600 miles per hour.

Ok, we’ve had some fun ones, but now let’s go deeper down the rabbit hole and talk about the ones we all fear…A.I. Yep, artificial intelligence, and no matter what way you look at it, people are seriously trying to make it happen, and make it happen soon. AI’s are literally everywhere, including in your cars, and in your homes via devices like Alexa (which are indeed forms of AI), and there are things like Watson that is so smart that it could beat two Jeopardy Legends.

Mars seems to be the place where many feel we can go in order to live amongst the stars. And many speculate that by 2030 at the latest (barring setbacks, accidents, and other things obviously) we could not only be colonizing Mars, but having regular shuttles go there so that people can see the red planet for themselves.
“We will see first people going off to mars, and then robots will do some basic stuff like making basic materials [on Mars,]” Pearson said. “We’re going to have to do that because only so much can be brought to space.”
Of course, there are numerous things that need to be worked out before such a thing could happen, but we have “Top Men” on this, including Elon Musk and the Space X program, Jeff Bezos via his Blue Origin company and more.
Alright, now let’s dive into something REALLY sci-fi…prosthetics. Yeah, I know that RIGHT NOW prosthetics are very limited, and at times…a bit pointless. But IF we were able to fully utilize computer technology to its fullest and make prosthetics that are fully compatible with the human brain and body, then the sky is the limit. We could enter an age where cyborgs are not just welcome, they’re commonplace.

Think about it like this, what if the clothes you were wearing right now felt the same, looked the same, but could do more? With the growth of nanotechnology, your clothes could potentially be imbued with various materials or technologies that help you improve your strength, durability, and more.
virtual reality simulations come through as many expect them to, it could lead to all sorts of innovations in the classrooms that could help kids what’s going on.

The World in 2050 Future Technology
